A downloadable module

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(Cover art by Alex Reeder, @alexreederart)

Empower: With great power comes great creativity... Empower: More than meets the eye-laser… You know what, maybe this one doesn’t need a subtitle.

EMPOWER is a system-agnostic and genre-agnostic framework for players and GMs alike to encourage a more creative, outside-the-box approach to using superpowers. That was an unnecessarily long sentence. Let’s break it up!

EMPOWER is system-agnostic. While it’s not a full game in itself, it is designed to be used with pretty much any other tabletop roleplaying game you have on hand. That doesn’t mean it is completely without its own mechanics though – in this module you’ll find a set of standalone rules to make this new approach to superpowers work. 

These rules are designed to work “in a vacuum” (I’m sure there’s a Superman reference in here somewhere), and don’t rely on a larger system framework. That said, you will find the few spots where the EMPOWER system does interact with the base game highlighted throughout the module. 

EMPOWER is also genre-agnostic. Yes, it was originally designed specifically with superpowers in mind, but honestly, that’s really just a thin coat of paint you can easily scrub off. This system should work just as well as a fantasy magic system, a way to introduce some rad martial arts, or heck, try using it in a sports-themed game and let me know how that goes!

When to EMPOWER your game

So what does EMPOWER do exactly? It allows you to flesh out your TTRPG character’s superpower(s) so that they become more than just modes of attack or one-off moves. With this module, you give your players the chance to think creatively about how they want to utilize their superhuman abilities. EMPOWER can either add to the way your base game handles superpowers, or replace the existing system – I’ll leave that choice up to you! 

Note: EMPOWER does not include any rules to generate superpowers from scratch. You’ll either have to come up with a power yourself, use another game (if it has those rules), or use an external tool to generate a power. I believe in you though, we’ve all seen enough anime and read enough comics, right?


Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

In order to download this module you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

EMPOWER - full color.pdf 1.4 MB
EMPOWER - plain text version.pdf 108 kB
EMPOWER Character Sheet.jpg 101 kB
EMPOWER - audio version.mp3 16 MB

Community Copies

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Community Copies

The price of $10 is set for anyone who can afford to pay me for my work. That said, if you're curious about EMPOWER but can't afford the price tag, please feel free to grab a community copy instead!

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Hey! This looks pretty neat, i know it's been a while but any chance of community copies?, sorry if this is out of place to ask


This is so good! It's clever and tight, and truly system-agnostic. A plug-and-play module you could use in a lot of games, or design an entire game around. I did a whole review here (https://twitter.com/oakenboro/status/1412652196999491584?s=19), but the short version is that if you have any interest in powers (super or otherwise), EMPOWER is well worth your time.


EMPOWER is a really neat, system-agnostic super power supplement. It encourages players to really think about powers in a new way, and tease out all the possibilities they could hold beyond the 'obvious' or the 'norm'.
It's also a really great example of a system-agnostic module for those wanting to write their own. Highly recommend, great stuff Jon!